
Travel tips for Tanzania

Find here some important tips for your trip to Tanzania.

Find here some important tips for your trip to Tanzania.

Languages spoken in Tanzania

Tanzania has two official languages: Swahili and English.

The local population

The locals are friendly and helpful. Tourism is an important source of income for the country and for the Tanzanian population, so your presence in Tanzania is particularly appreciated.

Safety in Tanzania

Tanzania is a safe destination. Many even say that it is the safest country in Africa. During your safari, you will always be accompanied by one of our guides. They are trained to ensure your safety at all times. When traveling in Tanzania, you should follow the same common sense rules that you would follow if you were traveling in another European country: you should be vigilant and always keep an eye on your personal belongings.

Currency in Tanzania

The local currency in Tanzania is the Tanzanian shilling. This is a currency that is not available or exchangeable abroad. It is therefore more convenient to bring US dollars (USD) directly. Please note that dollar bills must be dated 2006 or later. On site, you can pay for everything in USD, EUR are sometimes also accepted (bills of 50€ maximum). Remember to take enough small bills.

In Tanzania’s international airports, you will find exchange offices to change your currency if needed. You will also find ATMs in the major cities, however you will only be able to withdraw Tanzanian shillings.

Vaccinations for Tanzania

There are no mandatory vaccinations for a trip to Tanzania, when you come directly from Europe. The yellow fever vaccine is only mandatory if you are coming from a country considered to be at risk or if you stop over in a country at risk for more than 12 hours. If you come from Europe directly, then the vaccine is not mandatory. Some vaccines may be recommended such as DTP and Hepatitis A. Please always check with your doctor if you are up to date with your vaccinations.

The visa for Tanzania

A visa is required to enter Tanzania. You can apply online before your trip via this link https://eservices.immigration.go.tz/visa or you can also get your visa once you arrive at the airport. For more information, please read our special Tanzania Visa blog post.

Please note: your passport must still be valid for 6 months after your return date from Tanzania.

The time difference with Tanzania

Tanzania is in the GMT +3 time zone. This means that it is 2 hours later than in the UK in summer, and 3 hours later in winter.

Flight time to Tanzania

From London, it takes a little bit more than 11 hours to fly to Kilimanjaro airport, in the North of Tanzania.

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