
Night game drive

Night game drive is an adventurous activity in Tanzania that is conducted at night in an open safari vehicle with a canvas canopy, torches for clear vision, driven by a professional guide and with the help of an armed ranger to protect you from any danger. Tanzania has a number of national parks, but night safaris are only allowed in certain protected areas like Lake Manyara National Park.
During the night game drive, you will be able to see animals rarely seen during the day or nocturnal animals such as civet cats, aardvarks, porcupines, genets, mongoose, bush babies, big cats like lions, leopards, spotted hyenas, among others which tend to hide in the bushes and shrubs during the day and hippos which spend their day in water and get out to at night to graze.
This night safari lasts between 2 and 2.5 hours, starting at 8pm.

Night game drive