
Ndutu Region

At the end of December, the Great Migration normally arrives, with its 2 million animals, in the region called Ndutu. The animals come here to have their young. From December to March, thousands of animals are born every day. The grass in this area contains a lot of nutrients for the young animals and because it is short, the adult animals can see predators coming from a distance. This makes it a safe place to watch young zebras and wildebeest grow up. Ndutu is a beautiful area, rich in wildlife. The Ndutu area straddles the southern part of the Serengeti and the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. In addition, Ndutu (on the Ngorongoro Conservation Area side) is the only nature reserve in Tanzania where you can drive off-road, which allows you to get very close to the animals.

Ndutu Region